Selasa, 09 Juli 2013



Yet another definition see language as a system of communication that enables humans to cooperate.
This definition stresses the social functions of language and the fact that humans use it to express themselves and to manipulate objects in their environment. Functional theories of grammar explain grammatical structures by their communicative function, and understand the grammatical structure of the language as a result of an adaptive process in which grammar was "tailored" to serve the communication needs of users. This view of language is associated with the study of pragmatic language, cognitive and interactional framework, as well as socio-linguistics and linguistic anthropology. Functionalist theories tend to study grammar as a dynamic phenomenon, as the structure is always in the process of change as they are employed by their speakers. This view led to the study of linguistic typology is important, because it can be shown that the process of grammaticalization tend to follow the path that is partly dependent on typology. In the philosophy of language these views are often associated with Wittgenstein's later works and with ordinary language philosophers such as GE Moore, Paul Grice, John Searle and JL Austin.
Tool for communication
Yet another definition sees language as a system of communication that Enables humans to cooperate. This definition stresses the social functions of language and the fact that humans use it to express Themselves and to Manipulate objects in their environment. Functional theories of grammar explain grammatical structures by their communicative functions, and understands the grammatical structures of language to be the result of an adaptive process by roomates grammar was "tailored" to serve communicative needs of its users. This view of language is associated with the study of language in pragmatic, cognitive and interactional frameworks, as well as in socio-linguistics and linguistic anthropology. Functionalist theories growing niche to study grammar as a dynamic phenomenon, as structures that are always in the process of changing as they are employed by their speakers. This view leads to the study of linguistic Typology being of importance, as it can be shown that processes of grammaticalization growing niche to follow trajectories that are partly dependent on Typology. In the philosophy of language these views are Often associated with Wittgenstein's later works and with ordinary language philosophers such as G. E. Moore, Paul Grice, John Searle and J. L. Austin. 

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Weaknesses of Indonesian Economic

Weaknesses of Indonesian Economic

Chamber of Indonesia Commerce and Industry (Kadin) declared Indonesian economy that is actually very promising for both domestic and foreign investors. However, there are still weaknesses seeing by Kadin of the economy that need to be addressed. Vice Chairman of Kadin Indonesia, Novian Anindya Bakrie said, promising Indonesian economy is evidenced by incoming investment, private consumption, and vibrant business world.

"But there are still some weaknesses that Indonesia's economic structure needs to be addressed now," said Anindya at Menara Kadin Jakarta, Wednesday (06/03/2013).

Anindya see Indonesia's economic weakness is in the trade deficit. Currently due to larger imports than exports then it makes more Indonesian trade balance to be deficit. Moreover, the largest import of oil and gas.

On the other hand, Anindya also highlights subsidy of oil (BBM) to the people who actually are not even on target. Current budget fuel subsidy enjoyed by the rich instead.
"As the impact, the deficit and the high pressure gas imports that led to the weakening of the rupiah," he added.

Again, the actual budget for infrastructure even neglected. He rated in the last few months that there is no improvement of government policy so that a problem cannot be resolved. Though foreign investors intending to invest in Indonesia as it will look up the bureaucratic infrastructure. If not good, then foreign investors will pull out of Indonesia.

The Definition of Harddisk

The Definition of Harddisk

Hard disk is medium data storage on a computer that consists of a collection of magnetic hard disks and spinning, as well as other electronic components. Hard disks use a flat disc called the platter, which on both sides are coated with a material that is designed to be able to store information magnetically. Platter-platter by punching holes in the center are arranged and rearranged on a spindle. Platter spinning at very high speed which is controlled by the spindle motor that is connected to the spindle. Special literacy electromagnetic tool named head mounted on a slider and is used to store information in a disk or read. Slider mounted on the arm, all of which are connected mechanically to a single collection on the surface of the disc and is connected via a device called the actuator. There was also the logic board to regulate the activity of other components and communicates with the PC.

ATA / EIDE. EIDE hard disk (Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics) or ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) is the latest version of a stAndard disk interface suitable for connection to the bus. Many manufacturers have a range of disk with a disk interface EIDE / ATA disk can be connected directly to the PCI bus and roomates which is used in many PC (personal computer).

SCSI. Many disks have interfaces designed for connection to a standard SCSI bus. The disks tend to be more expensive, but have better performance which is possible due to excess SCSI bus than the PCI bus. Access to the same can be done for many disk drives as the drive interface is actively connected to the SCSI bus only when the drive is ready to transfer data. This is especially useful in applications where there are a large number of requests for small files, which often happens in a computer used as a file server.

RAID. Promises great performance and provides a large and reliable storage. Disk is used both in high-performance computer and in systems that require dramatically higher reliability than normal levels. However, with the decline in prices to a more affordable level, the disk becomes more attractive even for a computer system with size - average.

SATA. SATA hard disk of the type (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment), the disk interface ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) by using the serial version of the thin cable that has small wires. Total about two-thirds of total hard drive cable with type EIDE or ATA disks are numbered 39 pins and SATA has very high speed data transmission and reducing latency. So, this serial bus is able to exceed the speed of parallel bus.