Minggu, 29 Mei 2016

Kalimat If Clause (Conditional Sentence)

Nama : Arief Riyanto

NPM : 11212100

Kelas : 4EA12

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#

Tugas : Kalimat If Clause (Conditional Sentence)

Kalimat type I:

Question : If I … (to have) a lot of money, I will … (to buy) an expensive car.

Answer : If I have a lot of money, I will buy an expensive car.

Question : If you … (to come) late again, Mr. John will be very angry.

Answer : If you come late again, Mr. John will be very angry.

Question : You will … (to finish) your job, if you do it now.

Answer : You will finish your job, if you do it now.

Question : If I … (to go) to Japan, I can … (to meet) my friends who live there.

Answer : If I go to Japan, I can meet my friends who live there.

Question : If you … (to come) to my house, I will … (to cook) special food for you.

Answer : If you come to my house, I will cook special food for you.

Question : Mother will be very kind, if you … (to follow) what her want.

Answer : Mother will be very kind, if you follow what her want.

Question : I will … (to meet) him, if I … (to come) to your party.

Answer : I will meet him, if I come to your party.

Question : My boss will … (to give) me reward, if I can … (to reach) the target.

Answer : My boss will give me reward, if I can reach the target.

Question : If I … (to work) hard, I will … (to have) a lot of money.

Answer : If I work hard, I will have a lot of money.

Kalimat type II:

Question : If I … ( to be) you, I … (will not) let her go.

Answer : If I were you, I would not let her go.

Question : If it … (rain) tomorrow, I would sleep all day.

Answer : If it rained tomorrow, I would sleep all day.

Question : If Rara … (study) hard, She would pass.

Answer : If Rara studied hard, She would pass.

Question : If I ... (have) much money, I would … (bought) a sport car.

Answer : If I had much money, I would buy a sport car.

Question : If I … (to be) a millionaire, I would donate my money to charity.

Answer : If I were a millionaire, I would donate my money to charity.

Question : If I … ( to be) a bird, I … (will) fly to your home now.

Answer : If I were a bird, I would fly to your home now.

Question : If you ( to be) me, You … (will) feel crazy with this schedule.

Answer : If you were me, You would feel crazy with this schedule.

Question : Risa … (will) be sad, If she … (fail) her final examination.

Answer : Risa would be sad, If she failed her final examination.

Kalimat type III:

Question : If I … (have know) that you were in hospital, I would have … (visit) you.

Answer : If I had known that you were in hospital, I would have visited you.

Question : If she had been able to … (finish) her job well, she would have been … (promote) as a director.

Answer : If she had been able to finished her job well, she would have been promoted as a director.

Question : If John had … (drive) his car carefully, we would not have got an accident.

Answer : If John had driven his car carefully, we would not have got an accident.

Question : My father would … (had) been here, If the flight had not been … (cancel).

Answer : My father would have been here, If the flight had not been canceled.

Question : If I had … (study), I would have … (pass).

Answer : If I had studied, I would have passed.

Question : If I … (have know) you were coming, I would have … (bake) a cake.

Answer : If I had known you were coming, I would have baked a cake.

Question : I would have been happy, If you had … (call) me on my birthday.

Answer : I would have been happy, If you had called me on my birthday.

Question : I would have … (buy) you a present, If I had known it was your birthday.

Answer : I would have bought you a present, If I had known it was your birthday.

Kamis, 28 April 2016

Artikel Manajemen ; Simple Past dan Present Perfect

Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
(Artikel Manajemen ; Simple Past dan Present Perfect)

Nama                    : Arief
Kelas                    : 4EA12
NPM                    : 11212100
Mata Kuliah        : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Women Entrepreneurs Tend to Be More Professional
        Women entrepreneurs have shown their movement in the economic development of Indonesia. The minister of Cooperative and SMEs Sharif    
Hasan told a group of women entrepreneurs are proactivein improving the welfare at least in their family.
       “Women Entrepreneurs is a group of active women who have dared to take initiative in economic development in order to improve the welfare of the family,” said Sharif at the Young Entrepreneurand Independent Young Technopreneur 2014 in Senayan, Wednesday (15/01/22014).
Moreover, Sharif said that women entrepreneurs tend to be more professional. “Women entrepreneurs are more responsible and professional in managing finances,” he said.
     Sharif said the government and the banks have supported women entrepreneurs by providing financing access. Such access is expected to provide an opportunity for women entrepreneurs to develop their business.
“In 2013 the business credit  (KUR) has exceeded US $ 137 billion to 10 million borrowers. All financial access has beenimplemented,” said Sharif.

Jumat, 22 April 2016

Tugas 1 Subject Verb Agreement

Name   : Arief Riyanto
Class    : 4EA12
Npm     : 11212100
Assigntment 1
Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Multiple Choice
Choose One Correctly Answer

1.      You.....Straight a head then........left.
a.       Went and go               c. Go and then
b.       Gone and goes           d. will and was

2.       Maria rarely .........white bread.
a.       Eats                c. Eaten
b.       Ate                 d. Drink

3.       My....... always ........ on time.
a.       Brother, come            c. Sister, Go
b.       Lady, Comes             d. Father, Late

4.       I .... The Task.
a.       Do it my self              c. Do submit
b.       Go                              d. Can borrow

5.       The Policeman ........ the documents.
a.       Has checked              c. Has been completed
b.       Has been check          d. have read

6.       The Dog ....... Sleeping
a.       Were               c. Are
b.       Is                    d. Was

7.       Ten Dollars a day ....... not enought for a wife and two children
a.       Am                 c. Are
b.       Is                    d. They
8.       .............. a money collector
a.       They               c. Iam
b.       You are          d. I was

9.       We ............... Cooking rice
a.       Was                c. Will
b.       Were              d. can’t

10.    Doni ........... Briliant
a.       Is                    c. Was
b.      Are                 d. Were

Error Analisis
1.  A Famous news Al hunt work at Trans Television.
2.  My Father, a chemical engineer, cannot very diligent.
3.  Cats living in the wild rarely get sicks.
4.  The chair, made of marble has repair.
5.  The president, together with he staffs, are visited lombok.
6.  There are a haunted home.
7.  Everybody like she.
8.  Nobody care about your.
9.  Stay or go  are  your prerogative.
1.The Jacket or the shirt save in the cupboard.
11. Faris, Lina and me was in the home
12. Mira and his brother goes to school with bus
13. Doesn’t woman or his friend  eaten lunch here every week?
14. The staffs not but is’nt the manajer has receiving their salaries
 15. One hundred percentage of yours water have been use to washing plates